Backpack Safety

It’s school time again. As students prepare with new clothes, pencils and note books, the purchase of a book bag is an essential school supply. If the book bag is improperly worn and/or too heavy, it will cause the student to compensate by leaning to the side or forward to remain upright. In addition to the incorrect prolong sitting throughout the school day, improperly worn and/or too heavy can cause low back pain and place the student at risk for scoliosis.

When the student is deciding on what color to have, parents should take notice of some important key factors. (ref. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP))

  • Book bag should have various compartments to distribute weight
  • Book bag should weigh 10% of the weight of the student’s weight
  • Book bag straps should be wide and not arrow
  • Book bag should have a padded back
  • Book bag that has a waist band can be helpful to maintain proper posture

Follow these five simple guidelines to prevent early onset of back pain and future worse injuries.

Tip Sheets (Click links below to download):

Backpack Strategies for Schools: Help Students Ease the Backpack Burden

Backpack Strategies for Parents and Students: Pack It Light, Wear It Right

Backpack Facts: What’s All the Flap About?